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Erasmus. Projects Organisation and Implementation

The IES Castelar, aware of the importance of fostering the values of integration, tolerance and solidarity with the other members, incorporates in its actions a commitment to provide the students with a positive vision of Europe. The students at the higher levels of the Institution should be aware of the need to observe the current labor market with an open and
comprehensive vision, understanding the nearby countries as part of their future.

We want to turn our students into active agents of their own learning, so that they can develop autonomous learning and critical thinking skills, and set up their own minds to work in a collaborative manner. The students taking part in these activities will be trained to work together and they learn to feel and act as European citizens, as a single European body.

Our students traveling to the different work centers will be using several languages as a tool of communication, and will also be acquiring a basic introduction to the local customs of the countries the students are visiting, so fostering a liking of multilingualism and multiculturalism.

To achieve these goals we will develope strategies and create resources for planning, implementation, quality assurance and progress monitoring.

We have designated a project manager to assure the proper monitoring of the activities to achieve the desired impact and ensuring sustainability.

We also have, and it seems important to us, one member of the management team as member of the group, the head of study which ensures a perfect coordination and integration of all the details regarding transports, infrastructures, insurance, etc. In short, we believe that we have a varied team, very involved in the daily work with students and with proper training to achieve the goals we have set upon.